RFPA Executive meeting at Tuncurry with local RFPA Members and Friendship Week attendees.

On Tuesday 19 March the RFPA Executive, represented by President Paul WYNNE, Senior
Vice President George WEISSELL, Welfare Officer Ian MOORE and Secretary Ian LOVELL,
held an informal meeting with the RFPA Members from the area at Tuncurry. The venue of
the Police Friendship Week was made available by Charlie HALLORAN and his band of
police and friends, and the invited guests included Life Member Peter RANKIN, MGL Chair
Kevin GUILLAUMIER and Secretary Terry TAMPLIN. Apologies were received form Bert
BENNETT and Wayne McCANN, both with medical appointments, and several potential
OBE recipients.
We were pleased to note the attendance of Life Member Peter RANKIN and Dawn, along
with 29 further MGL Members and their partners, with a small number of Friendship Week
participants also joining us. Rick BLUNT brought along his fully restored former VIP cycle,
proudly showing it to some very interested former police cyclists and others who just like
bikes. [We all heard Rick leaving].
Paul WYNNE addressed the gathering about updated RFPA actions and sponsorship aimed
at increasing our ‘brand awareness’, announcing our 2024 membership draw prize,
involvement with the Academy attestations and graduations, and our continuing efforts to
make the task of volunteer office bearers in Branches far less difficult to undertake.
He also outlined the tragic events which befell Bob (and Gael) DREW some 12 month ago,
and what has been done to assist them to cope with the stresses of quadriplegia now faced
by them after Bob’s horse riding crash. Friday 17 May [DREW BENEFIT] was promoted,
and those arranging the event at West Tamworth Leagues Club – Greig STIER, Matt
LYNCH, Steve BRADSHAW, Phil O’REILLY, and main contact Wayne BIFFIN were
congratulated on their efforts on Bob’s behalf. Kevin WELSH conveyed news of the efforts
being made by the newly re-established Peel Branch to assist in whatever way they can to
help Bob. See the RFPA website for ticketing and further detail for this worthy event. We
would like to see the club full on the night.
The RFPA has stepped up and along with our major holiday sponsors, Jim THOMPSON and
Joanne ROBINSON of the Reef Retreat at Palm Cove, we have provided a significant prize
for the major raffle, which will be on sale through Sticky Tickets. The prize included airfares,
accommodation for a week, the use of a car for the week, and tickets to major attractions for
the winner and travel partner, to be used during October 2024.
We note and acknowledge the work of our major RFPA sponsors Police Bank in arranging
and assisting Bob and his fundraiser.
After some general discussion and enquiry, our guests of honour for the day were presented
with their awards by President Paul.
Plaques for ‘significant voluntary effort’ in the running of the Manning Great Lakes
Branch for many years were awarded to:
Branch Chair, Kevin GUILLAUMIER
Secretary, Terry TAMPLIN
Treasurer, Bert BENNETT
Welfare Officer, Wayne McCANN

OBE Certificates awarded to:
Graham KELL
Some were accepted on behalf of the awardees and will be presented at the next
MGL Branch gathering at Taree on Tuesday 9 April.
Thanks to Sandy BENSON for assisting with the meeting.