The Retired & Former Police Association of NSW is an Incorporated organisation, founded in 1931, to foster Friendship, Fellowship and Welfare for retired and former Members of the NSW Police Force.
Full membership is available to police who have retired, or are on leave prior to retiring, or have been honourably discharged, or resigned after honourable and ethical service, from the NSW Police Force.
Associate Membership is available to:-
- Any widow, widower, spouse, or partner of a Full Member.
- Any former police officer of any recognised Police Force other than NSW, who has retired or resigned after honourable and ethical service, and any widow, widower, spouse, or partner of same.
- Any former unsworn officer, spouse, or partner of same, previously employed by any recognised Police Force whether paid or as a volunteer who has retired or resigned after honourable and ethical service.
- Any other suitable person nominated by two Full Members for approval by the Committee who, due to their former employment and/or beneficial interaction with a recognised Police Force or the Association, with verifiable links to the NSW police force or any RFPA NSW Branch, may be granted Associate Membership.
Our organization was established in 1931 and is concerned with the improvement of conditions and quality of life for all former Police and Police widows.
In 1966 we were active in gaining the Police widows’ pension and in 1989 we were successful in raising the minimum, and obtaining annual pension increases in line with the CPI. From 1990 to 1995 we mounted a campaign resulting in both the Federal and State governments reimbursing retired members with overtaxed lump sum long service leave.
In 1996 we worked with State Super to introduce process, which reduced the time for the start of the Widows pension. We can arrange for one of our members to attend when notified of the husband’s death and assist in completion and submission of the forms.
We successfully convinced the State government to reclassify the Police pension to allow all members to claim the 15% taxation rebate from 1 July 2000.
In late 2007 we convinced the Minister of Police and the Commissioner of Police to backdate the award of the NSW Police Medal to all retired NSW police who qualify, irrespective of when they retired. These are just some of our achievements.
On behalf of Retired Police Australia wide, we have now successfully petitioned the Federal Government to revise the issue criteria for the National Police Service Medal, backdating it from 30/10/2008 to 14/02/1975, when the National Medal replaced the Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.
We currently have a membership approaching four thousand, and twenty seven Branches being; Brisbane & Northern Suburbs in Qld, Central Coast, Central Tablelands, Coffs Harbour, Dubbo, Hornsby, Hunter Region, Dubbo District, Gold Coast Qld, Illawarra, Kiama, Manning Great Lakes, Macarthur, Murray River, New England, Northern Beaches, Northern Rivers, Peel, Parramatta-The Hills, Penrith and Blue Mountains, Mid North Coast, Riverina, South Coast, Southern Highlands, Southern Tablelands, Sydney, Water Police Sub-Branch, and Wide Bay, Qld. These Branches conduct regular meetings and organise social activities.
Our journal, the RFPA Gazette, is produced each quarter and distributed to all members. It contains information regarding members, Branches and Committee of Management activities including representations made on behalf of members, items of interest and stories from the past.

All office bearers perform their duties on an honorary basis to keep fees to a minimum with membership subscription currently at $28.00 per year, or $26.00 per year if paid by automatic deduction from the Police Bank, any other bank or financial institution or State Super.
It is appreciated that some members cannot attend regular meetings or functions, but membership gives strength to this organization, a forum to seek advice and make representations as well as the opportunity to keep abreast of matters of mutual interest. We look forward to your association with us and you can be assured of a cordial welcome at our meetings.
Membership subscriptions are currently at $28.00 per year if you pay yearly by bank transfer, or $26.00 per year if paid by automatic periodic deduction on the 1st July each year from the Police Bank, any other bank or financial institution or State Super.
You can contact the Police Bank on 131 728 and organise the automatic deduction over the phone if you aren’t able to download and fill out the automatic deduction form. It is also $26 each year if you set up a yearly automatic Direct Credit/Debit Payment with any other bank to pay on the 1 July every year. You are required to add your name and RFPA membership ID as the reference.