Your RFPA Membership now offers real and exclusive money-saving benefits. However, these discounts and benefits are only available to financial RFPA members, and arrangements will be in place to verify membership validity IF NECESSARY. To obtain the discount or benefit you will need to quote your RFPA ID which is on your Membership Card or Gazette…

RFPA Member Benefits Partners win awards

Just reading the latest issue of the Luxury & Style magazine and in this issue, they assessed the “Worlds Best Luxury Cruise Ships”, we are on a winner. The result confirmed that our RFPA Member Benefits Partners are the finest in the world and our members know that their tours if they go, will be…

RFPA Member Benefits & Discount Scheme goes live

The new RFPA Member Benefits Scheme is now live with exclusive deals for financial RFPA Members looking for Travel, Tyre and Holiday discounts. Just visit the Member Benefits Page for details. Member Benefits Scheme page

Update to eligibility for Australian Honours for disengaged officers

The rules around eligibility for Australian Honours have been updated, and officers that left the NSW Police Force after 5 February 2020 due to a work-related injury or illness can now apply to be considered. To be considered, that attached form needs to be completed. Alicia BentleyMarketing Project CoordinatorCorporate Communications Unit I Public Affairs BranchLocked…

Results of the 2024 RFPA AGM

The State RFPA AGM was held today at Club York and here are the names of the new Committee of Management… well mostly old names but one new one. Congratulations to all who have volunteered to serve the RFPA. President – Paul WynneSenior Vice President – George WeisselVice President – Beth Docksey APM OAMState Secretary…


A very successful Beyond the Badge program in the regional area at Albury on Tuesday & Wednesday this week with 10 former or transitioning participants filling the class.  8 from NSW Police and 2 from VicPol.  All participants were very positive about their ability to move forward and transition to a new career with the…

National Police Service Medal

The following article written by Mark BURGESS shows what our Associationhas achieved in terms of formal recognition for thousands of NSW PoliceOfficers and Police all over Australia.  The National Police ServiceMedal was instituted in 2011. Described in the Prime Minister andCabinet site as ‘recognising the special status that sworn officers havebecause of their role in…

Dareton Police Station – Research Project

RFPA Member Ron McSPORRAN is researching staffing of Dareton Police Station from early years, with a view to using his findings in the celebration of the centenary of the station later this year.Anyone with information is asked to contact Ron at