Boyd Stewart Head of Partnerships & Engagement for Police Bank

I would like to introduce myself to your members – Boyd Stewart Head of Partnerships & Engagement for Police Bank.

I started with Police Bank in March 2021 and I have worked in financial services for 33 years.

Since joining the bank I have formed connections across Police Bank’s membership through a varied number of events & have a close working relationship with members of the PANSW. I can often be found holding the tongs at the BBQ at one of the many events I attend as part of Police Bank’s community support.

I am happy to advise that I will now be a personal point of contact for members of the RFPA, and  can be contacted on  or on 0438 976 094


Boyd Stewart Head of Partnerships and Engagement 02 9287 0846 | EN 88846 | M 0438 976 094

25 Pelican Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010