Central Coast Branch
Branch Secretary John MARHEINE
Email : Click here to email Secretary
Mobile 0400 724 768
Regular Meetings, at Ourimbah RSL Club
Regular Meeting dates – 11am on third Tuesday on the even Months
Retired and Former Members Welcome
(Please note that the official RFPA email address for our branch is and should be used for all Central Coast RFPA inquiries.)
The following is the calendar for the Central Coast Branch of the RFPA for the year 2025. Please make a note in your diaries while these dates are fresh in your mind.
Tuesday, 18th February, 2025. The next General Meeting for the Central Coast Branch of the RFPA will be held at the Ourimbah RSL Club, Ourimbah, on Tuesday, 18th February, 2025, commencing at 11 a.m. At this Meeting we will have a guest speaker, Dick Whitaker, whose subject will be:
“Bumper” – the life and times of a famous Sydney policeman, “Bumper Farrell”. He played First Division Rugby League for Newtown and, according to legend, became the “roughest, toughest street cop and vice squad leader Australia has ever seen”. Whatever is said about Bumper, many believe that the lawless streets he patrolled, those around Kings Cross and inner Sydney, during the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, were made a lot safer because of his fearless efforts. This is his story.”
Tuesday,18th March, 2025. Sausage sizzle at the Valley Tavern, Narara, commencing around 11 a.m.
The sizzles are great occasions with great food provided by head chef, Brian McVicar, and his team of loyal assistants.
Tuesday, 15th April, 2025. General Meeting to be conducted at the Ourimbah RSL Club, at Ourimbah, commencing at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 20th May, 2025. Sausage sizzle at the Valley Tavern, Narara, commencing around 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 17th June, 2025. General Meeting and Annual General Meeting to be conducted at the Ourimbah RSL Club, Ourimbah, commencing at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 15th July, 2025 Sausage sizzle at the Valley Tavern, Narara, commencing around 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 19th August, 2025. General Meeting to be conducted at the Ourimbah RSL Club, Ourimbah, commencing at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 16th September, 2025. Sausage sizzle at the Valley Tavern, Narara, commencing around 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 21st October, 2025. General Meeting to be conducted at the Ourimbah RSL Club, Ourimbah, commencing at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 18th November, 2025. Sausage sizzle at the Valley Tavern, Narara, commencing around 11 a.m.
Tuesday, 16th December, 2025. General Meeting to be conducted at the Ourimbah RSL Club, Ourimbah, commencing at 11 a.m.
Notice will be given of any special events, mixed lunches, etc., as they arise.
We wish all Members a safe, healthy and happy New Year.
Social Club.
Russ Whitcher told the Meeting that the Social group members are canvassing a new location for future social events and further information will be supplied on this subject at a later date. It is hoped that a mixed lunch can be arranged later in the year, hopefully in August or September, and that a Christmas luncheon will be arranged in November.