Retired and Former Police Association of NSW & NSW Police Legacy supporting the police family together.
The Retired and Former Police Association of NSW (RFPA) & NSW Police Legacy have joined hands in supporting the families of police officers who have suffered a loss in addition to supporting the families of retired officers once they are out of the force. The RFPA have many members who are widows, widowers, partners, and some children who are also NSW Police Legacy Legatees.
NSW Police Legacy has many ‘Champions’ who are currently serving, supporting the families of police and they have recently approached RFPA State Committee Vice President Beth Docksey, a legatee herself to be the RFPA Legacy Champion. In accepting this role, it focuses on ‘championing’ the cause and working with retired and former officers to continue to support NSW Police Legacy after they have left the job. Many former police officers, during their service, supported NSW Police Legacy with fortnightly donations direct from their salary to enable them to support the families after their loss. These include Financial & Welfare Assistance, Counselling and Referral Programs, Programs for Children & Family, Aged Care Programs, & Community Engagements for Legatees.
All these great support programs are only made possibly by generous donations from serving officers via their salary, some former serving officer via their pensions, and other members of the community at NSW Police Legacy events such as the NSW Police Legacy Ball held each year. Many other former officers who may not have pensions for automatic deductions are still able to donate to NSW Police Legacy by going to their website.
- Their homepage is: https://www.policelegacynsw.org.au/
- From here, people can click the “donate” button on the right-hand side of the top menu, or right down the bottom of the page.
- If you’d prefer to you can, go directly to the donate page, using this link: https://portal.policelegacynsw.org.au/donations
- On this page, people can donate either one-off or on a regular way.
NSW Police Legacy
NSW Police Legacy provides care and ongoing support to the families of police officers and retired police officers who have suffered a loss.
Our Board, staff, and volunteers strive to ensure that no partner or dependent child will ever feel forgotten or in need and will continue to feel connected to the police family. We also provide support for the parents of deceased officers, and support police officers to fundraise for police families facing necessitous circumstances.
Regardless of whether a police officer was serving or retired, or the circumstances of their death, we support family members left behind and ensure those who have protected the community will be remembered.