Murray River

Murray River RFPA
Secretary : Beth Docksey
Secretary Email Address: Click here to email Secretary

Regular Meeting Venue:  We don’t have a regular meeting venue, we move around all of the time and can usually advise of the location about 1 month ahead of time so keep an eye on the web site and we will advise you each time we have a get together scheduled.


The next coffee and chat has been organised for August

WHERE:    Nannina’s Cafe, 487 Ebden Street, South Albury
WHEN:       Thursday 1 August 2024 at 10am
RSVP:        30 July 2024 by Facebook, SMS or email.

Kind Regards 
Chris Bentley
Assistant Treasurer
Murray River Retired & Former Police Association 
M.0414 448 347

RFPA members & friends we are off to Melbourne for a Dinner, and all are invited to attend if you live around there or are visiting. 

Dinner in Melbourne at Mail Exchange Hotel
WHEN: Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 5.30pm.
WHERE: Mail Exchange Hotel, 688 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Across the road from Southern Cross Station.
RSVP by Email, SMS or Facebook by 5pm Sunday 1.9.24

Kind Regards
Beth Docksey


The following members were elected to Committee Positions at the Murray River AGM on 20 July 2024.

Chair Ken Zegiel
Vice Chair (Vacant)
Secretary Beth Docksey
Treasurer Ken Medway
Assistant Treasurer/Secretary Christine Bentley
Social Secretary Christine Eddes
Committee Member Brian Rosewarne
Committee Member Graeme Stephens
Committee Member Christine Eddes
Welfare Officer Allan Grogan
Welfare Officer Louise Stephens
Assistant Welfare Officer Annie Smart

Thank you all for taking up the positions in support of our branch and members.  Enjoy your next 12 months in our wonderful branch.

Beth Docksey,
Murray River RFPA Branch


A very successful Beyond the Badge program in the regional area at Albury on Tuesday & Wednesday this week with 10 former or transitioning participants filling the class.  8 from NSW Police and 2 from VicPol.  All participants were very positive about their ability to move forward and transition to a new career with the guidance of Sean Haran & Simon Bradstock.  Thank you Sean & Simon for obtaining the grants and coming to Albury.  See you again in the future. Thank you for your post below in LinkdIn.  Any other branches can organise this free program funded by NSW Club Grants through your local clubs by contacting Sean or Simon on their web page.  Also there are other locations of programs advertised on the website.



Come along and have a fun time bowling, chatting, or just having a cuppa.   All members, family and friends are welcome. Bowls supplied and if you have never bowled before we have a coach available to show you how to bowl a good, curved ball.  Covid procedures are in place.

When: Every Thursday at 9.30am to 11.30am

Where: Bowling Green, first floor, Commercial Club, 618 Dean Street Albury.
Enter via Stanley Street Carpark entries

Hope to see you all there.


Murray River Branch covers an area from the Hume Highway Albury up to Holbrook, half way to Wagga, including locations about 45 minutes north of the NSW/Victorian border all of the way across past Deniliquin stopping short of Mildura.  We also cover the whole of Victoria, have had Tasmanian members, and have former members of the NSW Police Force who reside all over that state as our members. Therefore we have very broad membership coverage with currently 111 paid members & another 80 who we contact via email.  We are inclusive not exclusive, however membership has increased by 75% with this mantra in the last 5 years.  We have an Executive Committee that meets bi-monthly and manages all issues relating to the branch including the social activities, welfare, membership, etc., with input sought from branch members prior to the meetings and if they wish they can attend.  We have welfare officers that support our members in the broad ranging area of our branch.

As a result of our spread of members, we don’t have regular meeting venues, dates, days of the week or times as we move all around the branch area so that it gives all members the opportunity to get together.  We also have our get togethers on different days of the week so that this enables our former and retired members who work or look after grandchildren on various days of the week or weekends to attend our get togethers. We always invite partners, friends, family members, some have young children and grandchildren that have attended our functions which has created great friendships with all of these people. 

We have travelled to our Deniliquin members about once per year, down into Victoria on a number of occasions, to locations such as Bright, Myrtleford, Yackandandah, & Beechworth and our members in those areas host our branch visits in that location. We have had a number of dinner in Melbourne for our members there and generally try to hold one there at least once every 6 months. When we travel around we try to include an activity before such as in Bright we went to look at our member Annie’s art works at her house, in Myrtleford, we went to our member John & Margaret’s Open Garden and Antique Firearm collection, & at Beechworth we went to our member ‘Bruiser’s’ Brew house for some home-made ale.  We have also been to the ‘Bald Archie’s Exhibition’ when at Corowa and then the Corowa Chocolate factory after to make huge chocolate freckles & drink lots of various flavoured hot chocolates.

We also have Coffee & Chat get togethers about once a month in locations in Albury and other townships within about 30-50 minutes’ drive from Albury.  We schedule them about a week ahead and notify all members by email and SMS them again the day before to obtain numbers.  We always have generally about a minimum of about 20 people attend our coffee and chats.  These get togethers are quite flexible and we always ask that any of our far flung or other branch members who just happen to be coming through the area to please advise us, even at short notice that they are in the area and we have put on a number of coffee & chats with two to three days’ notice to catch up with them whilst they are here.  We have had members and their partners come through for Coffee & Chats from Tasmania, Deniliquin, and Far South Coast, to name a few.  So if anyone is in the area or passing through we only need a couple of day’s notice and we will have a Coffee & Chat for you.

For any of these activities or information contact the Secretary Beth Docksey via email or phone.

Kind Regards 
Beth Docksey
Murray River Retired & Former Police Association 
M.0412 661 738