Illawarra (Wollongong) Branch of RFPA
Secretary : Neil Harris (Secretary)
Email : Click here to email Secretary
Meetings : Wollongong Master Builders Club, 61 Church St, Wollongong 2500 … Bi-Monthly 3rd Monday in even months at 11.15am (eg. Oct-Dec-Feb-April-June-August) following the “Police Associates Branch” meeting which is at 11am. same months.
Illawarra Branch Meets Bi-Monthly (any second month June-Aug-Oct- 3rd Monday in month at 11am Builders Club, Wollongong. Social outings May-July- Sept-Nov) contact Chairman Dave Routledge 0414339424 or Neil Harris (Sec) 0411487813 for details. Our Branch always welcomes New Members and Partners. Regards…Neil Harris. Secretary.
Social Meetings (Luncheon & refreshments, activities) 3rd Monday (odd months) at time and venue decided at previous meeting.NO MEETING OR ACTIVITIES IN JANUARY
Chairman, Dave ROUTLEDGE (Phone No 0414339424)
Secretary Neil Harris (mob no. 0411487813)
On the 20th March 2023, at 10.30am 10 of our members meet at the “Shellcove Marina” Shellharbour and were taken on a tour of Police Launch “VICTOR” which included short trip on the Launch, with Police Crew, “Josh, Mick and Dan” looking after our members and explaining the Water Police Operations. Unfortunately the weather on this day was “wet” however our members enjoyed the experience.(attached is a photo of the group which included, Chris Berry, Alan Hodge, Bev & Steve Byrnes, Dave & Julie Routledge, Barry Smith, Bob Cocksedge, Terry Wall and Beryl Hammond.). This group then dined at the Marina for Lunch.